Rural landlessness is a root cause of poverty and inequality in Nepal. Landlessness also stunts agricultural and economic innovation, and prevents progress on agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) targets of Nepal’s 2nd Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The project builds on the extensive experience through assistance of Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) in Nepal. Nepal adopted the National Land Policy in 2019 and the 8th Amendment to the Land Law in 2020, as a pathway to land tenure security to 25% of Nepal’s population estimated living with (near-)landlessness. For this project, a collaboration is set with 4 municipalities in Lumbini Province of Nepal, in Chure region (also targeted in the 2nd NDC) focusing on vulnerable landless households mainly from indigenous community. The Project recognizes that secured land tenure needs to be coupled with climate-smart agricultural (CSA) innovation for sustainable livelihood opportunity and poverty alleviation. Further, it recognizes inclusive and risk sensitive land use through local collaboration and capacity building will support in sustainable development of the region. For the project, four municipalities in Deukhuri valley are selected.

Contribute to Nepal’s climate commitments for green and just development, by introducing innovative approaches to reducing landlessness and improving resilient land use and livelihoods in the 4 municipalities.
Expected Outcomes
Outcome 1: Improved tenure security of nearlandless indigenous people including women and youth in the target municipalities in Nepal.
Outcome 2: Near-landless indigenous people including women and youth in the target municipalities have increased access to sustainable livelihoods and green economic activities.
Outcome 3: The target municipalities plan and promote sustainable, climate smart and inclusive land use.

Target Areas
Dang District in Lumbini Province
- Rajpur Rural Municipality
- Gadhawa Rural Municipality
- Rapti Rural Municipality
- Lamahi Municipality

Major Outputs
- Support to land tenure security of landless and informal tenure-holders
- Improved strategies and tools to support reduce landlessness
- Strengthened capacity of near-landless indigenous people for application of green technology and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
- Climate smart and resilient livelihood options demonstrated
- Safety net of community groups/networks established with enhanced market linkages and value chain system
- Community groups and individual beneficiary households with enhanced access to finance and risk transfer schemes
- Regularize indigenous groups support conservation, regreening and DRR on public lands
- Inclusive and Risk Sensitive Land Use Plans (RSLUP) developed
- Strengthened capacity of municipal stakeholders to implement inclusive, gender responsive and fit-for-purpose (FFP) land tools, efficient land management and development/ implementation of climate smart RSLUP
- Knowledge sharing and dissemination of learnings

Donors and Key Project Stakeholders
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) of Republic of Korea
In Collaboration with:
Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation (MoLMCPA)
Implementing Agencies
UN-Habitat; Global Land Tool Network (GLTN)
Good Neighbors International (GNI); Department of Environment and Resources Research, Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI); Korea Land and Geospatial InformatiX Corporation (LX)
- Estimated 9,000 households of near-landless, landless and informal land tenure holders, including women and youth mainly indigenous Tharu communities (predominant in the Chure region of Nepal)
- 4 municipalities in Deukhuri valley
- Ministry of Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation, and Ministry of Urban
- Development (MOUD) at the federal and the provincial level
- National Land Commission