Brief Description
The Partnership Agreement between the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) and UNHCR aims to pursue common community-based protection goals for the benefit of displaced, returnee populations as well as affected host communities in target Priority Areas of Return and Reintegration (PARR) in Afghanistan. The Project activities are part of strategy for creating conducive conditions for the sustainable reintegration through strengthened essential services and facilities in PARRs while fostering social cohesion.
Project Activities
Project activities will comprise conducting spatial profile of Jalalabad city and developing a water supply scheme in Eltefat Land Allocation Scheme site in Kabul as well as monitoring and evolution and Inception and completion activities.
Spatial profiling of Jalalabad city:
- Conduct intention surveys
- Develop comprehensive solutions strategy (response plan)
- Implement comprehensive solutions strategy (response plan)
- Expand the SHURA android app and database for registering of POC rights
- Orientation training workshops for enumerators
- Enumeration exercise in POC sites in Jalalabad city
- Technical working group workshops, KII and FGD
- GIS spatial analysis and data collection
- City resource and service mapping
- GIS mapping of the area
- Predictive data for humanitarian response collected
- Provision of the Spatial Profilling report
2. Basic Needs and Essential Services – quality and quantity water supply installation at the Kabul, Eltefat settlement site:
- Hydrogeological studies/local water investigation
- Tendering of construction activities- water supply, bore holes, water tank etc.
- Drilling of bore holes
- Installation of casing, filter, etc.
- Fixing water pumps
- Construction of reservoir
- Distribution and main reticulation system
- Yield test and solarization
- Establishment of water management committee and training
- Gradual shift of responsibility to water management committee(s)
Project outputs for spatial profiling:
- Comprehensive solutions for profiling of population conducted
- Strategy developed and implemented
- Predictive data for humanitarian response
- Settlement improvement guidelines
Project outputs for basic needs and essential services:
- Capacity development supported
- Water management committees established and active
- Water system constructed, expanded and/or upgraded
- Water system operations maintained
Donors and Key Project Stakeholders
Key Project Stakeholders:
IDPs, Returnees and Host Communities