Smart technologies must be people-centred and support inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable urban development. Recognizing the rapid advances of digital technology applications in the field of urban management, UN-Habitat China established the UN-Habitat China Future Cities Council (CFCC) in April 2019.
CFCC is a platform for CEOs and visionary entrepreneurs in the field of digital technology in China to contribute forward-looking thinking for cities and urban management. The CFCC initiative produces a series of Future Cities Advisory Outlook reports, released globally and providing references of global interest about policies and applications on digital technologies and urban management being researched and applied in China.
The first report Future Cities Advisory Outlook 2020 introduced the Chinese policy framework for smart cities and presented comprehensively the steady increase in smart cities applications in China, referenced against the urban dimensions of the SDGs. The report proposes a suite of 18 recommendations.
Right after the release of the first report, the world had to face the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and had to cope with the social-economic disruptions and set-backs for global development. Cities have been at the epicentre of the COVID-19 and have been required to rethink their resilience.
CFCC is preparing the second Future Cities Advisory Outlook 2022 report on Building New Urban Resilience. It will review the interdependency and challenges of advancing the urban digital transformation and strengthening urban resilience in cities in China.
Promoting people-centred urban sustainable development with digital technologies, reviewed through reviews and case-studies from China.
- Research on smart cities and urban digital transformation
- Review smart city planning of local cities
- Support the CFCC’s Future Cities Advisory Outlook report series
- Organise expert group meetings and workshops
- Conduct study visits to cities promoting the digital transformation
- Apply and disseminate the global flagship programme People-Centred Smart Cities Programme
- Apply and disseminate SG’s Road Map for Digital Cooperation
Donors and Key Project Stakeholders
Wanxiang Group Corporation
Chengdu Xinchao Media Group Co. Ltd
Key Project Stakeholders:
Innovation Unit of UN-Habitat
urban tech companies in China,
Local Governments and Academia in China
Relevant Publication
Future Cities Advisory Outlook 2020: Urban Technologies in China