The development of enabling environment for low emission development and supporting NDC plan under the Paris Agreement: Focuses on environment and living condition upgrading in urban slum areas- Karachi, Pakistan


Pakistan as one of the signatories of the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a milestone towards global carbon mitigation efforts which resulted in the establishment of carbon markets. Pakistan has ratified Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and implemented it in 2005. It contributes towards carbon mitigation in the form of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This market-based mechanism is instituted to facilitate greenhouse gas lessening through carbon trading.

This mechanism is guided by the CDM Strategy, within the Ministry of Climate Change have established a designated national authority (DNA). The main task of the DNA is to assess potential CDM projects to determine whether they will assist the host country in achieving its sustainable development goals. The focused areas on the prospective are energy conversation, capacity building, resource mobilization, land cover change, water management, agriculture management, waste management, waste management, transportation, and industrialization process

The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of the national government, local institutions, and local communities in promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, especially by developing an enabling environment for low emission development and the carbon market. The project further aims to support Pakistan’s NDC plan under the Paris Agreement with a special focus on the urban sector. 

UN-Habitat and the Ministry of Climate Change initiated a project to ‘strengthen the capacities of the national government, local institutions, and local communities in promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, especially by developing an enabling environment for low emission development and the carbon market. With the Focus on environment and living condition upgrading in an urban slum or Katchi abadis or squatter settlements in Karachi in collaboration with Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) and aims to support Pakistan’s NDC plan under the Paris Agreement with a special focus on the urban sector.


The project has two main objectives: 1) to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development, and 2) to help developed countries fulfill their commitments of reducing GHG emissions. In addition, the donor is well aware of the fundamental change from Kyoto Protocol to Paris Agreement, as the Paris Agreement focuses more on a cooperative and non-market approach, which considers the needs of the recipient countries.

Project Approach

The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of the national government, local institutions, and local communities in promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation, especially by developing an enabling environment for low emission development and the carbon market. The project further aims to support Pakistan’s NDC plan under the Paris Agreement with a special focus on the urban sector. 

Expected Outcomes

The outcomes of the project include:

  1. Develop a policy note in support of the 2nd NDC focusing on low emission development in the urban sector.
  2. Develop partnerships with relevant stakeholders for policy advocacy in coordination with the government and key stakeholders.
  3. Formulate a pilot project proposal to demonstrate bankable projects. 
  4. To develop pilot projects in Karachi for demonstration of GHG emission reduction for city-wide and/or national replication and scale-up.

Donor and Key Project Stakeholders


Korea Land and Housing Corporation

Key Project Stakeholders:

Ministry of Climate Change; National Secretariat of CDM; Research institutions in the Republic of Korea; Local Authorities in the target areas; Target Communities

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