2019 Fifth Pacific Urban Forum – Accelerating the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to achieve the SDGs in the Pacific


The Fifth Pacific Urban Forum (PUF5) was held in Nadi, Fiji, in the first week of July 2019. Following the adoption of the New Urban Agenda and a renewed recognition of the many opportunities and challenges for the Pacific, PUF5 provided an inclusive multi-stakeholder platform for review of progress towards the Pacific New Urban Agenda and for exchange and dialogue for further action planning. More than 200 participants from 25 countries, including high level representation from 13 Pacific Islands countries attended the three-day Forum focused on “Accelerating the implementation of the New Urban Agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Pacific”. The event was hosted by the Government of Fiji and co-organized by a range of partners, including UN-Habitat, Commonwealth Local Government Forum, Monash University, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, UN ESCAP and Compass Housing Services.

PUF5 aimed to:

  • ・Catalyze the engagement and raise the awareness of all stakeholders for enhancing the role of Pacific cities and towns for achievement of national and regional policy frameworks and agendas;
  • ・Improve the mechanisms for collection and exchange of knowledge and data on sustainable urbanization in the Pacific through open and accessible platforms for debates, sharing lessons learnt, best practices and good policies;
  • ・Increase action amongst relevant stakeholders for implementation, review and monitoring of the Pacific New Urban Agenda including through concrete commitments from participating countries and institutions;
  • ・Develop new partnerships to support an enabling environment for urban development in the Pacific.


Participants across the event, recognized the importance of urbanization for sustainable development and agreed on long-term national planning for urbanization through national sustainable development plans, urban policies and sector plans to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Pacific.

The following actions took place during the Forum:

  • Review of progress towards the Pacific New Urban Agenda based on country consultations and reporting, in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Habitat III outcomes and emerging issues.
  • Adoption of a declaration reaffirming the commitment towards the Pacific New Urban Agenda and its accelerated implementation to achieve sustainable urbanization in the Pacific.
  • Development of an Action Plan with concrete voluntary country and stakeholder commitments for the implementation of the Pacific New Urban Agenda along its pillars/goals and related areas, including:
    • Social Equity
    • Environment, Resilience and Urbanization, including urban infrastructure as an additional key element
    • Urban Economy
    • Urban Governance

The outcomes of the Pacific Urban Forum will provide contributions and inputs into global and regional platforms for sustainable urbanization, such as the 10th session of the World Urban Forum and the 7th Asia Pacific Urban Forum.


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