Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Planning – Package C: Gender, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and Mainstreaming at Sub-national Levels (Cambodia) – Completed


Cambodia is one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the effects of global climate change. This vulnerability poses a major threat to the impressive gains in social and economic development achieved by Cambodia in the two decades since the country emerged from a prolonged period of armed conflict. Climate change vulnerability particularly affects the smallholder farmers who make up the majority of Cambodia’s population, a high proportion of whom have only recently achieved living standards above the national poverty line and who remain vulnerable to falling back into poverty as a result of climate or economic shocks. Cambodia’s emerging local governments have a key role to play in building climate resilient rural communities.

The technical assistance (TA) for Mainstreaming Climate Resilience into Development Planning is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Cambodian institutions and stakeholders to integrate climate concerns into development plans, programs and projects. The TA comprises four outputs: (i) capacity to coordinate PPCR investments and mainstream climate change adaptation concerns into national and subnational planning, budgeting, and development strengthened; (ii) feasibility studies for priority adaptation projects with a view to securing international funding conducted; (iii) civil society support mechanism to fund community-based adaptation activities established and the capacity of civil society organizations and nongovernment organizations to mainstream climate resilience into their operations strengthened; and (iv) climate change adaptation knowledge in various sectors generated and disseminated. The Ministry of Environment (MOE) is the Executing Agency.

In 2015, ADB has mobilized additional financing to scale up selected activities under output 1. These include (i) mainstreaming climate concerns into development planning at subnational levels in close cooperation with the Secretariat of the National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development (NCDDS); (ii) integrating gender considerations in climate change adaptation in close cooperation with the Ministry of Women Affairs (MOWA); and (iii) monitoring, reporting, and evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation investments in close cooperation with the Ministry of Planning (MOP). 


The objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Cambodian institutions and stakeholders to integrate climate concerns into development plans, programs and projects. 

Project Outcomes

  1. Enhanced capacity to mainstream climate resilience at subnational levels;
  2. Enhanced institutional and technical capacity to integrate gender concerns in climate change initiatives; and
  3. Enhanced institutional and technical capacity for monitoring, reporting and evaluation of adaptation investments.

Donors and Key Project Stakeholders


Asia Development Bank

Key Project Stakeholders:

Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Women Affair, National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development, Save the Earth Cambodia.

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