UN-Habitat organizes community awareness training on COVID-19 in Cambodia

Tboung Khmum, Cambodia, April 2020 – Cambodia confirmed its first case of COVID-19 in January 2020, and currently has over 120 confirmed cases. Recently UN-Habitat supported a training in prevention measures against COVID-19 for over 2000 households in Tboung Khmum District of Tbong Khmum (Bee’s Diamond) province in the northeast of the country. The training was part of the project for the Support for Improving Living Environment and Disaster Prevention Capacity in Cambodia, which is funded by the Government of Japan, The training covered effective handwashing techniques, physical distancing, proper mask wearing, hygiene promotion and behaviour change. The community which was trained had been affected by the tropical storm SON-TINH in 2018.

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Photobook: Project for the support for improving living environments and disaster prevention capacity in Cambodia

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