STORY: ケニア:ナイロビのインフォーマル居住区に国連ハビタット支援で手洗い場を設置

Nairobi, 28 April 2020 – UN-Habitat and its partners have engaged community members from the informal settlements of Mathare and Kibera to wash their hands over 135,000 times over the last month.

“We are very happy with how the community has responded to our stations,” stated Linus Sijenyi, UN-Habitat National Officer. “We have had a huge response from people washing their hands. In addition  the educational materials we have given out means that people now know they must wash their hands before they get on local transport, keep their distance and wear their masks at all time. This will help stop the virus and save lives.”

UN-Habitat and its partners the Canadian and Norwegian Governments have established 28 stations in the two informal settlements, with another 15 planned.

“The response from the donors and the community has been amazing,” said Isaac Muasa, co-ordinator of the Mathare One Stop Centre, “The demand is growing for our services. We are very happy to see the new #TakeAction4Cities campaign and encourage everyone to support.”

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