
UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Office Posts

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is looking for experienced individuals to work for our office in Fukuoka, Japan.

Positions not available at the moment.

Project Posts

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is looking for experienced professionals to serve in its field projects in Asia and the Pacific.

Positions not available at the moment.


Positions not available at the moment.

To Apply

Candidates must send their detailed curriculum vitae and UN Personal History Form to the address below

Regional Representative
UN-Habitat Fukuoka Office
ACROS 8F, 1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, 810-0001 JAPAN
Fax: (81-92) 724-7124 / E-mail : habitat.fukuoka@un.org

Please quote the position title if you are applying to a particular announcement.


  • 月曜日~金曜日
  • 9:30~17:30


  • 福岡市中央区天神1-1-1 アクロス福岡8階
  • Tel: (092)724-7121/23
  • Fax: (092)724-7124
  • E-mail:habitat.fukuoka@un.org


  • 2月23日(金)
  • 4月10日(水)
  • 5月3日(金)
  • 5月6日(月)
  • 6月17日(月)
  • 7月15日(月)
  • 8月12日(月)
  • 9月16日(月)
  • 10月14日(月)
  • 11月4日(月)
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