Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP)


UN-Habitat focuses on the biggest deprivations for slum communities: the lack of adequate and safe housing conditions, clean water supply, sanitation and secure land tenure. We concentrate on waste management, gender equality and human rights, climate resilience and participation of the local communities in the slum upgrading process.

The PSUP addresses the living conditions of millions of slum dwellers worldwide. It focuses on the challenges in slums and informal settlements and works in close cooperation with the communities based on partnership.

PSUP was founded in 2008 as a tripartite initiative of the Secretariat of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), the European Commission and UN-Habitat. In more than 40 countries and 190 cities, national and local authorities followed the programmes call for action. They are now investing in strategic, participatory slum upgrading activities and sustainable urbanization together with the local communities in their countries and cities. PSUP also operates through non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the private sector and universities worldwide.

“This Programme is fundamental to achieving Goal 11, the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda. It is related to the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Target 11.1:
“By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums”

PSUP: Fields of work

Housing – PSUP works on the 2030 agenda to ensure access for all people to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services, which is essential for a sustainable urbanisation

Participation – PSUP brings all stakeholders together. In a strong network, communities, financial partners and governments seek solutions to improve people’s lives in the slums

Livelihood – Slum dwellers contribute to the economy of a city. The strengthening of the informal economy is a key source of employment and part of the PSUP mission

Water and Sanitation – PSUP takes action to provide safe, sufficient and affordable drinking water and sanitation facilities for slum dwellers and vulnerable communities

Tenure Security – PSUP supports slum communities to assert their right to safe housing and the right to stay

Waste Management – PSUP stand for a citywide approach and inclusion. All areas of a metropolis need to be connected to a proper waste management system

Gender equality – PSUP empowers women, promotes gender equality and strengthens human rights as they set the standards for people to live in freedom, equality and dignity

Climate change – PSUP supports slum dwellers to build resilience to withstand natural disasters and risks

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