Expert Group Meeting 2019


The Tenth Environmental Technology Expert Group Meeting was held under the theme of “Tackling Marine Waste / Plastic Waste” on 29 October 2019 in Fukuoka.

This year, we welcomed senior government officials and representatives from five countries in Asia and the Pacific (India, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam, and Solomon Islands), who presented issues, current situations and initiatives in their respective countries and cities.

From the Japanese side, following the keynote presentations by experts from Kyushu University and IGES, experts from the private sector and public organizations shared their technologies and experience on effective solutions and measures for reducing, recycling, and reusing plastic waste as well as production of alternate materials to plastics.

Later the participants from both sides enjoyed fruitful discussion on practical and potential possibilities for collaboration and future project implementation.

Related Materials

Theme: Tackling Marine Waste / Plastic Waste

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