Expert Group Meeting 2020


The Eleventh Environmental Technology Expert Group Meeting was held under the theme of “Water and Sanitation, Waste Hygiene and Public Health: in the Context of Co-existence with COVID-19” on 19 February 2021, which was conducted on line via Zoom for the first time for the prevention of expansion of COVID-19.

This year, we welcomed government officials and representatives from five countries in Asia (India, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines, and Vietnam), who presented issues, current situations and initiatives in their respective countries and cities.

From the Japanese side, experts from the private sector and public organizations shared their technologies and experience on effective solutions and measures for mitigating the risks related to the water and sanitation, waste hygiene and public health.

Later the participants from both sides enjoyed fruitful discussion on practical and potential possibilities for collaboration and future project implementation.

Related Materials

Theme: Water and Sanitation, Waste Hygiene and Public Health: in the Context of Co-existence with COVID-19

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