Expert Group Meeting 2022


The Thirteenth Environmental Technology Expert Group Meeting was held under the theme of “Integrated Solid Waste Management System: Practices and Technologies supporting Fukuoka Method” on 27 October 2022, which was conducted remotely online via Zoom due to the continuing situation of COVID-19.

This year, we welcomed government officials and representatives from three countries in Asia (Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam) as well as Ethiopia in Africa, who presented issues, current situations, initiatives, and outcomes of UN-Habitat Projects on Solid Waste Management in their respective countries and cities.

From the Japanese side, experts from local governments, private sector, and university shared their technologies, experience, and technical advice on effective solutions and improvement of monitoring system, and collaboration with local partners, etc.  The participants from both sides enjoyed fruitful discussion on solutions for practical issues as well as possible installment of Fukuoka Method to the site affected by climate changes in their countries.


Theme: Integrated Solid Waste Management System: Practices and Technologies supporting Fukuoka Method

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