30 August 2023, Vientiane, Lao PDR – UN-Habitat held the Preparatory Meeting of the Second Lao National Urban Forum (LNUF) to develop the partnership and the program contents of the LNUF in October. Participants were from different entities, including the government, international organizations, and academia.

The Second Lao National Urban Forum (LNUF) is set to take place from 2 to 8 October 2023, coinciding with Urban October, under the global theme for World Habitat Day 2023: “Resilient urban economies: cities as drivers of growth and recovery”.
The LNUF serves as a dynamic and critical platform for dialogue and collaboration among urban stakeholders in Lao PDR. Building on the success of the first LNUF held in October 2022, which provided an open forum for discussing urbanisation challenges and opportunities in Lao PDR, the Second LNUF aspires to be even more ambitious in promoting urban discussions and raising awareness.
This seven-day event will be held at the prestigious Lao-ITECC Exhibition Hall, attracting exhibitions from the government, international organizations, academia, and private sectors in Lao PDR. Participants can expect thought-provoking thematic sessions and discussions that delve into various aspects of rapid urbanization in Lao PDR, including smart cities, urban development, housing and basic services, safer cities, health, youth, private sector engagement, digitalization, infrastructure, and food security.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Second LNUF is supported by UN-Habitat, as well as other development partners and UN agencies, ensuring a comprehensive and impactful event. The organizer, keen on fostering public engagement and involving relevant stakeholders, particularly those affected by urban issues, is working closely with the LAO-ITECC Exhibition Hall – the premier mall and exhibition venue in Vientiane Capital. Over 2,000 attendees are expected to participate in this seven-day event, including stakeholders from the four major cities of Lao PDR and all 18 provinces across the country, providing a genuinely representative and diverse platform for exchange.