ROAP Climate Change and Urban Environment (CCUE) Strategy

UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) is pleased to present this Climate Change and Urban Environment (CCUE) Strategy 2024-2030 for the Region. This strategy addresses climate change, biodiversity, and urban environmental challenges in Asia and the Pacific. Its development was informed by urbanization trends, and recent findings from global, regional, and country reports on climate change projections and impacts. This new strategy takes into account the inputs from stakeholders, partners and member states.

Building upon UN-Habitat’s past and ongoing climate change and urban development initiatives as well as the global initiatives RISE-UP and SURGe, supporting the global CHAMP pledge, the strong partnerships with city networks and the Marrakesh Partnership, the objective of this regional strategy is to:

“Strengthen and expand support for Asia-Pacific national and local governments and non-state actors to increase climate ambitions, and accelerate implementation of tailored adaptation, mitigation, and biodiversity conservation actions through robust multi-level governance and transformative urban and human settlements initiatives”

Firmly rooted in UN-Habitat’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025, this Asia Pacific CCUE Strategy will be a guide for ROAP’s country teams and partners to engage and contribute to the achievement of results envisioned in national development plans as well as in realizing the goals of the New Urban Agenda, the Paris Agreement, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, the Sendai Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals.

To achieve the ambitions targets set out in this strategy, concerted efforts across scales – local, national, and regional – and sectors will be needed. A climate resilient urban development framework will be applied, bringing together climate change adaptation and mitigation, natural asset protection and enhancement and actions supporting loss and damage cooperation. Climate change aggravates development challenges and other crises. Thus, in implementing this strategy, an integrated approach to climate, biodiversity, pollution, development, conflict and displacement will be taken. The Strategy will be operationalized considering national realities, and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks in the countries across the region.

This being a process and results delivery guide, we encourage stakeholders to work with UN-Habitat to implement the strategy towards building inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements in Asia-Pacific.

Download “Regional Climate Change & Urban Environment Strategy.”

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