The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) welcomes an additional contribution of USD 3.6 million from the Government of Japan to support reconstruction and peacebuilding in Iraq through the rehabilitation of war-damaged houses and construction of low-cost housing units in Sinjar, Ninewa Governorate.
Construction of low-cost housing units in Mosul
Under the new phase of this project, UN-Habitat will improve living conditions in Sinjar through a comprehensive urban recovery approach, including (a) rehabilitation of public spaces and infrastructure, (b) construction of low-cost housing units to accommodate returnees whose houses are totally destroyed and have not received any support for rehabilitation or reconstruction of their houses, and (c) vocational training. Graduates of the vocational training will be employed for rehabilitation and construction activities implemented by UN-Habitat, which will contribute to rebuilding their livelihoods.
His Excellency Mr. HASHIMOTO Naofumi, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Iraq, stated: “Japan has recently decided to provide a new assistance package for Iraq amounting to USD 41 million including this project as assistance for conflict-affected areas in Ninewa Governorate. With this package, the total amount of Japan’s assistance to the people affected by the crisis reaches USD 540 million since 2014. I hope that the assistance from the Government and people of Japan will help rebuild livelihoods of affected communities through rehabilitating community infrastructure and housing units”.
A returnee to Mosul rehabilitates war-damaged houses after receiving vocational training A returnee to Mosul rehabilitates war-damaged houses after receiving vocational training
UN-Habitat is grateful to the people and the Government of Japan for their continuous generous support which allows integration of the New Urban Agenda and physical interventions for post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding. In line with the New Urban Agenda, UN-Habitat is committed to promote adequate services, accommodation and decent job opportunities for conflict-affected persons in urban settings.
With a contribution of approximately $55 million since 2015, the Government of Japan has been a vital partner to UN-Habitat’s Iraq Programme.