Sri Lanka : Improvement of Sewage Pond in Batticalore City


As an outcome of the expert group meeting held in December 2011, a pilot project was conducted in Batticalore City’s, Sri Lanka in May 2012. Honorable Mayor Prabaharan of Batticalore who attended the EGM requested UN-Habitat to work with the experts to improve the wastewater sedimentation facility which was not working. After reviewing the situation, a collaboration of two private companies were formed to fix and improve the facility.

After the sedimentation ponds were improved by adjusting the locations of the pipes connecting the intake and other ponds, a bio treatment formula called Aqualift was distributed to the waste water to accelerate the degradation and purification process. As seen on the two photos, after six month from implementing, the waste water is much clearer, with no odor.
The pilot project was conducted by technical assistance from Asahi Craft Engineer and Aqua Service inc.

Partners and Technology

Collaboration of 2 private companies, Asahi Craft Engineer (waste water consulting and design) and Aquaservice Inc. (purification of waste water using bio materials)

Participants: Asahi Craft Engineer, Aquaservice Inc., Batticaloa City, Sri Lanka

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