Nepal: Local Production of Safety Materials – COVID-19

Kathmandu, 15 April 2020 – The community of Bungamati in Lalitpur Metropolitan Region in south Central Nepal along with the rest of the country is on a lockdown. The home-based working women of the community are preparing different safety materials such as face masks, hand sanitizers and protective overalls which are in short supply in the market.

SABAH-Nepal, one of the implementing partners of the SWITCH Asia Programme under EU support is taking the lead to create jobs for the local communities. With limited resources and the raw materials, the team is supporting the local Ward in Lalitpur Metropolitan City to distribute the safety materials to the community.

Mobilized home-based workers have already prepared more than 5000 masks. The community is preparing sanitizers as trained by UN-Habitat and preparing coverall suits for the non-medical frontline workers such as ward workers and healthposts.

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